Folder SPEI Zip download

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Type Title Restrictions Owner Modification date and time File size Edit
BINARY SPEI_projection Download Giovanni Braca 15/09/2023, 16:18 382 bytes
TXT SPEI_README Download Giovanni Braca 04/10/2023, 15:09 532 bytes
ZIP SPEI12_1952-2022_ASCII Download Giovanni Braca 13/09/2023, 10:45 471 MB
ZIP SPEI06_1952-2022_ASCII Download Giovanni Braca 04/10/2023, 15:53 463 MB
ZIP SPEI03_1952-2022_ASCII Download Giovanni Braca 13/09/2023, 12:57 455 MB
ZIP SPEI01_1952-2022_ASCII Download Giovanni Braca 11/10/2023, 08:55 445 MB
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