Introduction & Help
The Forum enables a community (e.g. committee, working group, project group etc.)
geographically spread across the Mediterranean area to have a private space on the
Internet where they can share information, documents, participate in discussions and
various other functionalities.
This private space is called an "Interest Group" or IG.
The access and navigation in this virtual space is done via any Internet browser and
as in any working group, committee or project team, one member
plays the role of chairman or moderator; in the Forum it is called an
IG Leader.
If you have problems please contact Helpdesk
Definitions & Concepts
The key definitions and concepts behind the Forum are:
- Interest Groups: the Forum is organised around Interest Groups (I/G)
i.e. a private workspace for a group of people that need to collaborate to achieve
common objectives and tasks. Although all I/G have access to the same set of
functionalities, the environment is fully customisable for a given I/G and the information
is restricted to the members of that specific I/G.
- Access profile: Members of a working group usually play different roles:
Chairman, contributor, secretary. part of the work could even be made publicly available.
the Forum offers exactly this flexibility for creating access profiles tuned to your particular
needs, thus customizing users access rights to specific data elements, functionalities
and operations in the IG.
- the IG Leader: A specific access profile, the Leader, is granted extra
privileges to administrate, manage and customize the IG.
- "What you See Is What You Have Access To": The User Interface is
automatically mapped onto users access profile so that only those functionalities and
information users are granted access to, are visible. Thus, some of the functionalities
described in this User Manual might not be accessible to you because the actual
access profile, granted by the Interest group Leader, does not allow it.
Getting familiar with the Forum interface
All pages of the Interest Group have the same layout: A navigation
bar at the top and the left. The first provides access
to the available Global services whereas the second provides access
to the IG Services.
As in any other Web environment, navigation is done through mouse clicks on
the various buttons and hyperlinks that appear on a page: Fast, intuitive and easy.
Online help pages provide additional information about the functionality of
the Forum services. Furthermore Hint icons help user's interaction with the Forum.
The left navigation bar provides access to the following Services by simply
clicking on its link. Once a Service is entered, additional
functionalities appear on screen:
- About: Information about the Interest Group including contact information and terms of service.
- Library: provides access to the library, organised in sections and sub-sections
with multilingual content documents available in one or more versions - linguistic, e.g.
Greek, French, German, English, etc. or numeric, e.g. 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, etc. Documents can
be viewed, downloaded or sent to you by email. User can be automatically notified by
email of any change in any particular section of the Library.
- Directory: Access to a list of Members and Contacts. The formers have access
to your Interest Group whereas the latter are a list of associates to your Interest Group.
- Meetings: To effectively schedule, create and announce meetings within your
Interest Group.
- EMail: Makes it possible to email to all members of the Interest Group
- Search: Allows for multilingual search for any document
or information uploaded within your Interest Group.
- Help: This help page.
The top navigation bar provides access to the following Support Services:
- Personal information: Opens a new window where you can edit your personal Information,
which is simply your account information in the directory.
- User preferences: provides you with a form where you can define your personal preferences
as it concerns the Services' view modes, the preferred Data and GUI Languages,
the Global Notifications and finally your interests.
- Memberships: Opens a new window containing all of your profile and/or
Role memberships. You are also provided with the ability to revoke your membership
from the chosen Interest Group.
- My Notifications: Opens a new window presenting all the different notification
statuses (for the Library, Newsgroup and Calendar services) that you have set
(or have been set for you) in all Interest Groups that you are member of,
under all V. the Forums of the particular installation. You are also provided with
the ability to modify a notification status by following the specific link.
- My Calendar: provides you with an instant Calendar based information on
scheduled Events/Meetings associated to all the Interest Groups that you have access
rights in the Events service.
- Who is Who: provides access to the 'Who is who' related Administrative
functionalities (available only to the 'Who is who' Service Administrators).
- What's New: presents information on new data that meet your needs.
These are defined with respect to keywords which are placed within the
"Search for documents containing": text field part of the page.