Folder Uso del suolo 2020 Zip download

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Type Title Restrictions Owner Modification date and time File size Edit
BINARY US0_20_RR.tif.vat Download Consumo Suolo 23/03/2023, 10:55 428 bytes
XML US0_20_RR.tif Download Consumo Suolo 23/03/2023, 10:55 725 bytes
BINARY Uso_stile_qgis Download Consumo Suolo 23/03/2023, 10:55 3 KB
XML US0_20_RR.tif.aux Download Consumo Suolo 23/03/2023, 10:55 1 KB
BINARY US0_20_RR Download Consumo Suolo 23/03/2023, 10:55 370 MB
BINARY US0_20_RR Download Consumo Suolo 23/03/2023, 10:55 93 bytes
BINARY Uso_stile_arcgis Download Consumo Suolo 23/03/2023, 10:55 7 KB
BINARY US0_20_RR.tif.vat Download Consumo Suolo 23/03/2023, 10:55 5 bytes
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