Folder TS-Homogeneization_Repinfo Zip download

Contains all the files used to perform climatic temperature Time Series Homogenization

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Type Title Restrictions Owner Modification date and time File size Edit
Folder RawData (1 item) Luca Liberti 04/03/2015, 16:02
Folder ProcessedData (1 item) Luca Liberti 04/03/2015, 16:03
PDF R Scritp User Manual Download Luca Liberti 04/03/2015, 16:06 559 KB
BINARY R Script Download Luca Liberti 04/03/2015, 14:13 292 KB
BINARY R 3.1.2 Software Installer Win64 Download Luca Liberti 04/03/2015, 16:01 54 MB
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