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Type Title Restrictions Owner Modification date and time File size Edit
BINARY dati rettificati Download Startup User 24/05/2023, 07:45 97 KB
ZIP Foto Download Startup User 19/05/2023, 10:35 416 MB
PDF N.BajoCecchignola Download Startup User 19/05/2023, 10:32 18 MB
DOCX Bozza report Download Startup User 19/05/2023, 10:23 105 KB
PDF Linee guida per la gestione delle specie vegetali alloctone Download Startup User 19/05/2023, 10:22 7 MB
BINARY progetto_qgis Download Startup User 19/05/2023, 10:21 8 KB
BINARY 2023-05-05-00_00_2023-05-05-23_59_Sentinel-2_L2A_True_color (1) Download Startup User 19/05/2023, 10:09 12 MB
BINARY dati csv Download Startup User 19/05/2023, 09:25 97 KB
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